Get a Maker Pass

January 11, 2022 | 11:52 am

The Maker Pass is a point of entry to hands-on making in Jacobs Hall.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can get a Maker Pass?

All currently active UC Berkeley students, faculty, and staff, from any department, are eligible to receive a Maker Pass. Individuals who are in Jacobs-affiliated courses or programs, or conducting faculty-sponsored research, are able to register for a Maker Pass at any point during the semester.

Each term, a limited number of Community Maker Passes are also reserved for students, staff, and faculty who do not already qualify for a Maker Pass through one of the aforementioned avenues. Community Maker Passes are available on a first come, first served basis.

2. How much does a Maker Pass cost? 

There are different semester fee rates for the Maker Pass, depending on what type of Maker Pass you are receiving; please refer to the table below. 

Type Semesterly Rate Per Individual Payment Methods
Jacobs Affiliated Class/DeCal or Community Maker Pass $125 Bill to CalCentral or check
Research $313 Chartstring
Club $63 Must be paid as a group via club funds

Individuals in certain Jacobs-supported programs–namely instructors of Jacobs-affiliated courses, Master of Design students, Innovation Catalysts grant recipients, and Berkeley Engineering Design Scholars–receive comped Maker Passes as a program benefit.

3. Is there financial support available to reduce Maker Pass costs? How do I know if I am eligible?

Yes. We offer need-based financial support to students via 1) full or partial fee waivers for the semesterly access fee and 2) up to $25 materials cost waived. The fee waiver request form is integrated with the Maker Pass registration process; the form also explains the eligibility criteria in full. Students who qualify for a fee waiver will also automatically get up to $25 waived from their end-of-term Jacobs Materials Store balance.

Due to limited funds, and desire for equitable awarding, our fee and material cost waiver programs are designed to prioritize awarding to students who demonstrate financial need in one or more of the following ways:

  1. are currently receiving federal or state aid;
  2. have received other aid, awards, or fellowships from a UC Berkeley division, department, or office; or
  3. have experienced recent significant changes (beyond the continued impact of the pandemic) in employment/income/expenses or unexpected emergency costs

4. Why is there a fee to use the Jacobs Hall makerspace, and what does it pay for?

The costs to operate the Jacobs Hall makerspace includes equipment maintenance, replacement, and improvements, staff salaries, and consumables. Maker Pass fees contribute less than 20% of the operating budget; the majority of our funding comes from private and industry philanthropy. We are grateful for this support, which enables us to heavily subsidize the cost of Maker Pass access for our community.

5. How do I know if I have an active Maker Pass?

Our online tool will show you if there are any steps you still need to complete. When all steps show complete, access will be activated on your Cal 1 Card within two business days.

6. I had to replace my Cal 1 card. Will this affect my Maker Pass access?

Fill out this form to provide your new Cal 1 Card information. Your Maker Pass access will not work until we have received your new information.

7. How can I learn more about the makerspace before I get a Maker Pass?

We offer weekly drop-in tours to students and the general public. You can also learn more by browsing a list of our equipment, reading about Maker Pass resources, contacting our advising team, or visiting during one of our occasional open house events, which are announced on our news and events page.

8. Where can I find other making facilities on campus? 

Browse this map of on-campus and nearby making facilities. Each facility has its own policies; visit their websites to learn more.

9. Do you offer public or alumni access?

Unfortunately we are not able to offer public or alumni access.

Jacobs Institute staff reserve the right to revoke Maker Passes as they see fit due to violations of safety, building or university rules, policies, and procedures.