Student group EnableTech focuses on designing and building technologies that address everyday challenges faced by people with disabilities. Using space and tools at Jacobs Hall and across campus, they have worked on projects from prosthetics to smart health devices.
In spring 2017, EnableTech partnered with Tikkun Olam Makers to host a 48-hour makeathon at Jacobs Hall. Over the course of a weekend, student teams worked with local need-knowers to create 11 functional prototypes. The prototypes ranged from a wheelchair attachment for grocery shopping to a hand cycling gear shift mechanism that users can control with their elbows. Since then, club leaders have worked to share their skills with fellow students, offering a student-taught DeCal course in a Jacobs Hall studio. Ongoing projects include a glove that improves grip strength and a lift for people with limited leg strength, to name a few.
Learn more about EnableTech and how to get involved.
Topics: Assistive technology