Course: DES INV 202, Technology Design Foundations
Team: Xinyi Zhu, Zhiyue Wang (Luna), Peipei Lin (Penny), Franklyn Bucknor
We are pleased to welcome our first—but certainly not last—MDes student project to the Student Projects website! Frindle, initiated by students in DES INV 202, Technology Design Foundations, aims to respond to the needs of the elderly body and mind by restoring ability and the associated confidence that they might have lost in the time of aging. Frindle creates a way for the elderly to experience writing with pen on paper more accessibly and quickly.
As we age, our minds and bodies change. Actions and skills that were once practically engrained in our DNA become unintuitive–eventually perhaps requiring even the most habitual of tasks, like tying one’s own shoes, to be adapted in response to the constraints of an aging body. Frindle is a writing machine that addresses these issues, by reading audio input from human speech and automatically transforming it into well-written texts with any style of color and font you want. Frindle serves those whose communicative capabilities and emotions are impaired due to the change of the body and helps resolve their inner emotional crisis.
Learn more on the team’s Behance page.