Robotic spider project

Creative Programming & Electronics

May 24, 2018 | 12:17 pm

Course: Creative Programming & Electronics, spring 2018

In a new Design Innovation course, students explored how to create interactive objects, studying core interaction design principles along with skills like basic circuit design, construction for sensing and actuating, and debugging. Over the course of the semester, students developed their prototyping skills in programming and electronics, completing two mini-projects along the way: a visual musical instrument and a robotic lamp. For the final project, students drew on their new skills to conceptualize and make creative projects of their own. The resulting projects ranged widely, from an interactive game called “Circuit Twister” to a laser-based instrument.

circuit twister game

Students play “Circuit Twister.”

Want to learn more about the course and students’ projects? Check out:

Course syllabus

Final projects on GitHub


Topics: Robotics