A suite of three new lower-division courses, launching in fall 2015, will provide incoming undergraduates with a roadmap for design innovation. DES INV 90-1 serves as an entry point to design, offering a broad overview of design methods and processes. DES INV 90-2 and 90-3 give you the opportunity to develop new design skills you’ll use throughout your time here at Berkeley and beyond.
These courses can be taken simultaneously, in sequence, or as stand-alones. They are open to students from across campus, have no prerequisites and require no previous experience.
DES INV 90-1: Design Methodology
T 9-10am | 2 units
Topics include problem definition; social, political, legal and ethical aspects of design solutions; the product development cycle; mechanical dissection; reverse engineering; patents; failure case studies and product liability. Roomshare with E15.
DES INV 90-2: Introduction to Prototyping & Fabrication
F 9am-12pm | 3 units
Topics include a range of prototyping and fabrication techniques including laser-cutting, 3D modeling and 3D printing, soldering, basic circuits and interface mockups.
DES INV 90-3: Sketching & Visual Communication
T 2-3:30pm | 2 units
Topics include sketching, story-telling, story-boarding, portfolio development and more.