Water tanks from Engineers without Borders project

Engineers without Borders

May 31, 2018 | 1:54 pm

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is a student organization that aims to support sustainable, community-driven engineering projects to meet basic human needs. The Berkeley chapter has worked on projects in different regions of Central and South America; its 2017-2018 projects included work in Peru, Nicaragua, and Panama on (respectively) arsenic filtration from water, a rainwater catchments system, and a water disposal system. 

In addition to projects in the field, EWB holds networking and professional development workshops on campus. The club also runs a course on the basis of water systems in developing countries, aiming to fill gaps between engineering curriculum and students’ ability to take on real-world projects. The team often uses Jacobs Hall to host workshops and to build preliminary designs.

Almost 15% of EWB’s team members come from fields other than engineering; all team members gain new skills as they work on projects, and together, students from diverse backgrounds help build a holistic perspective on aspects from management to technical design.

Learn more about EWB and how to get involved.

Topics: Sustainability