bricks with text

Deconstructing Walls

May 14, 2018 | 4:20 pm

Project team: Purva Juvekar, Crystal Lee, Edward Rivero, Sally Tran

Course: Critical Making, spring 2018

For an assignment on protest design, a student team used a laser cutter, table saw, and electronics to create “Deconstructing Walls.” The team writes: “The purpose of our provocation is to protest the idea of border walls, both metaphorical and physical, that create violent barriers between immigrants and non-immigrant communities. We designed a model of a brick wall, with myths about immigrants engraved on the front side of the bricks. Inside the bricks laid a piece of clear acrylic on which we engraved data and statistics that negated these myths. Drawing on the concept of deconstruction, the goal of our design is to have audiences interact with the wall by flipping each brick over to the transparent side with the statistics and facts written on them. After each brick is flipped, the wall becomes transparent, creating a powerful metaphor that calls for more education around immigrant issues as we work toward the abolition of these myths and walls.”

bricks with text

Want to learn more about “Deconstructing Walls” and its designers? Check out:

Critical Making website

Topics: Laser cutting, Social engagement, Woodworking